Home Business Invesment in Turkey

Invesment in Turkey

by pinvestment

Turkey, with its rapidly developing economy, geostrategic importance and unique opportunities,
It has become a rising value attracting the attention of foreign investors from all sectors.

Why Turkey

With its geographical location on two continents, Turkey functions as a bridge between East-West and North-South axes. This feature provides Turkey with an advantage in terms of logistics and workforce, making the country a powerful and cost-effective center for major markets.

This geographical advantage; It offers fast access to a population of 1.5 billion and a market of over US$20 trillion, including Europe, the Middle East and North Africa region, and Central Asia. The fact that the country is on three sides of the sea, constantly developing railway and road lines, and Turkish Airlines’ flights to 122 countries and 255 destinations, passenger and freight transportation systems support the trade efficiency in an integrated manner.

Turkey is the third largest country in Europe in terms of skilled labor population. Its young population, as the most important factor in the growth of the workforce, ensures that Turkey ranks higher than other countries.

The Turkish economy recorded a record growth between 2003 and 2018, rising from the 18th largest economy in the world in 2003 to the 13th in 2018. (Source: IMF World Economic Outlook Report, April 2019)

What Are The Advantages

Efficient and Skilled Workforce

Turkey ranks high compared to its competitors with its well-educated and competitive workforce. As of 2020, nearly 1 million undergraduate students graduate from over 200 universities every year. When we look at the European Union countries, the highest growth in the labor force was in Turkey and labor productivity is increasing day by day.

Comprehensive Incentive Programs

Turkey offers extremely comprehensive investment incentive programs for those who want to invest from scratch and those who want to commission their projects to expand their investments, where they can provide advantages in costs with low taxes. Hundreds of leading global companies in the automotive, energy and retail sectors can benefit from competitive R&D incentives in the country. However, companies established in Free Zones that can be found in many regions of Turkey can be exempt from many taxes.

Liberal and Innovative Investment Environment

Turkey’s investment legislation, with its compliance with international standards, encourages foreign direct investments and protects the rights of investors. An equal investment environment is offered to all investors with various laws and practices. Although there has been a decrease in foreign direct investments in 2020 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, when we look at the data in the past 18 years, the number of companies with international capital in Turkey has increased by about 15 times and Istanbul has become an important center of attraction for foreign investors.

Continuous Reforms

Thanks to the reforms made for innovation in production, sustainability in growth, qualified workforce and cooperation in the international market, the average time required to establish a company has decreased from 38 days to 6.5 days compared to the past 18 years.

Wide Domestic and Regional Market Opportunities

In addition to its size in the domestic market, Turkey offers the opportunity to reach approximately 1 billion consumers in regional markets with the help of free trade agreements.

Strategic Location

It is a regional headquarters for multinational companies aiming to expand into different markets.

Demographic structure

The youth workforce potential is high, with a population of which half consists of young people under the age of 32. Compared with EU countries, Turkey is the country with the largest young population.

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